Tarot Pull for Taurus Season

We’ve officially kicked off Taurus season!

Taurus season allows us time to dip into our senses, our material world, and our pleasure- and after the jolt of energy that Aries season gives us, it’s often a welcome reprieve and an invitation to slow back down a bit. 

Currently, we have the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Uranus all in Taurus (personally, all of that is happening in my 12th house, denoting a time to allow for behind the scenes and underworld work). So we might be seeing a lot of Taurus’s influence here right at the top of the season. 

For our collective tarot pull for Taurus Season, which you can watch on Patreon if you subscribe at any tier level, the fertile sensual world that Taurus loves to indulge in isn’t highlighted- we’re seeing themes around justice and conflict. 

The following is a written account of that reading.


The cards pulled were Justice, the 8 of swords, the 4 of swords, the Queen of Wands, and the 7 of wands. 

In this pull we have Justice as the overarching energy, which comes as no surprise as we wait with bated breath for the jury to come to a verdict in the Derek Chauvin trail. We’re continuing to see bodies of color subjugated to state sanctioned violence at the hands of police and through acts of terror with gun violence. Our system needs to change. Our laws need to change. The world we are living in is not a just one. We know this, it’s not new news. This has been spotlighted throughout 2020 and isn’t coming to a close in 2021 and this card is a reminder of that. 

In this reading, there is some advice on how to move through this. The cards don’t always lay themselves out this way but this month there is a clear message to recognize where we are stuck and find the loophole, rest for the battle ahead, and focus our energy into swift action. At the end of this reading we do see that battle, that conflict. 

The 8 of wands asks us to notice where we are bound and blindfolded. Where we feel stuck, and quite possibly, where we are truly stuck. In times of great sorrow and conflict we may feel an overwhelming sense of “I don’t know what to do” or “I don’t know how to move forward”. And that’s valid- overculture insists that we are stuck and stay there. But this card suggests that we can feel into those stuck feelings, really acknowledge them and the ways they affect us and others, and find a creative solution about how to move or get unstuck. This might take a while. This might not be immediately available to you, and that’s okay. The suggestion here is to meet those feelings of discomfort and understand the shape of them (what I mean by that is doing your homework- how do systems of oppression affect you and the body that you’re in? How do they affect others and the bodies they are in? The ones who don’t share the same socio-economic intersections as you?). Once we do this, once we understand our landscape, we have an opportunity to feel into what movement is actually possible. In the card itself, we see that the figure is bound by the wrists and not by the feet. When they are ready, they can walk forward and away from the swords surrounding them and find a way to untie themselves. Again, this is not immediately available to most of us. And the more marginalized our bodies are, the more bound we are and the harder it is to move. Which is why it’s up to those of us who might not have as much bondage to contend with to get creative and aid in the liberation of those around us. 

Then we move into needing to rest in order to fortify ourselves for what’s to come. The 4 of Swords has been very present with us this calendar year and this season is no exception. Once you’ve recognized where you have some wiggle room or see a creative loophole, it may be wise to prepare by way of rest. Culturally, we think of rest as passive. But rest is regenerative and is a necessary part of our cycle. It’s an important bridge- not an indulgence. (I mean, it can be an indulgence and I’m all for that but that’s not all that rest is.) When we sleep, our bodies and psyches work things out for us. We have more access to our deep well of the unconscious and it can provide us with guidance about how to move forward through dreams. This invitation to rest from this card comes with purpose. When we wake, we can direct our energies to the task at hand with clear eyes, a full heart, and a creative mind.

And that’s what we see next with the Queen of Wands. This Queen is the “Witch of the Tarot” and knows how to focus and direct her energy on a specific goal or desire. This is fire energy, magic, sexual energy. And the Queen of Wands knows how to cultivate that energy within themselves and mindfully, precisely, shoot that energy out and through themselves into the intended goal. This Queen understands the power of magic and intention and the internal work that goes into that (it’s not just wishing or jumping in with both feet, unaware of what’s around). It is focused and it’s not reckless. 

After having found our loophole and after resting for what’s ahead, we have an opportunity to channel our own energies towards that conflict or battle. We each do this in our own way. 

The last card in this pull is, in fact, a card of conflict. The 7 of Wands depicts a person up on a ledge holding a staff (wand) they are using as a weapon as they fight off the six other wands that surround them. Seeing our energy focus in the Queen of Wands and then pulling this card directly after leads me to feel that if we follow the necessary steps, we will have what we need in the face of conflict. We may see and engage in more protests (we are already seeing that). We may see more injustices that we need to stand up to and face. And if we remain mindful about our processes, we will be equipped with what we need. 

Overall, this reading comes with a message about how to engage with justifiable conflict. And I’m grateful for that message, it’s an important one. But that doesn’t mean this is what this season will be about full stop. This is just what we need to know and understand as we move through this next season. You can still indulge in your senses. You can still find delight in the material world around you. In fact, it’s pretty imperative that we learn to weave all of these things together. 

So if the message above felt relevant to you- awesome! You can follow what the cards laid out for us AND still work with the energy of Taurus season. Wear fabrics that feel good on your skin. Let the juice run down your face when you eat a piece of fruit. Be outside and watch spring unfurl all around you. We get to have all of it. 

Stevie Leigh