Tarot Reading for Aquarius Season

Here we are in Aquarius Season! We have a new president, new approaches on how to handle this virus, and springtime right around the corner.

In this tarot pull for Aquarius Season we see themes of a new chapter and what that feels like for us. We see a lot of swords, fitting for Aquarius as it and the sword suit are both ruled by air.

Let’s get into it shall we?

Tarot Pull for Aquarius Season.

Tarot Pull for Aquarius Season.

This reading for Aquarius season is flanked by deep wisdom (and the sorrow in that), truth, a boundaried understanding of who we are and a new beginning. A relationship is appearing- maybe this is you integrating the you the survived 2020, maybe it’s a new friendship, a new hope for better treatment for all under a new administration? But it’s new, precious, childlike energy. 

Surrounding this reading is a rigid hiding from the truth or our decisions, not looking at what needs to be looked at (“Can we just feel happy for a second?? Or at least neutral?”). And… of course that’s what we’re experiencing. It’s too hard to feel everything that we’re experiencing right now. We’ve been put through the ringer. And there’s still a lot of grief, loss, and conflict left to make room for. It’s a lot to ask. We are all exhausted. 

Smack dab in the center we have The Chariot with it’s sheer force of will moving us forward (whether we’re ready and have really assessed the situation or not). I recently learned from @riseupgoodwitch that the Chariot corresponds with the element of water which… is surprising to me. Just like for the longest time as a kid I was like “mmm no Aquarius is a water sign bc it’s the water bearer duh”. So the correlation between our running head first through the Jupiter Saturn conjunction portal towards an idyllic Aquarian utopia and the Chariot rushing us forward because it FEEEEELS it’s feelings and has to move with them feels significant. 

Yeah we’re excited! Yeah we are ready for a different world! And we need that excitement to build it HECK YA! But it’s gonna take time and we gotta make room to feel those hard feelings as we build. 

The Chariot brings us out from adolescence where we are really trying to figure out our identity in the world into the internal landscape of our experiences. This is where we go deep. This is where we do a lot of our healing work before coming back out into the world to build again. It feels a lot like where we are collectively. People were really getting in touch with their activism- some for the first time- and now we have an opportunity to deepen our understanding of what it means to be an activist. What it means to be an advocate. Understanding our internal landscape is a big part of that. And that’s supported in this reading. Maybe that’s the self we are meeting in the 2 of cups. The self that’s ready to walk with us as we deepen into our understanding of the possibility of a world that supports and nourishes all of us.  

Stevie Leigh