Sliding Scale Booking Codes

Sliding scale prices are available to those who may not have the economic advantages that others do.

I ask that people really check in with themselves about what they can afford, in either direction. If you’re in need of care but can’t afford to pay full price for a session or reading, choose something on the lower end of the spectrum. If you’re financially stable and are able to cover your basic needs, healthcare, childcare, and luxury activities- choose the full price end of the spectrum and consider donating to the Community Fund which helps to cover costs for those who need to utilize the lower price points. In doing this you are supporting not only me as a practitioner, but our community at large. 

I offer a set number of sliding scale spots per month to Somatic Counseling Clients after we’ve gone through our 8-week container. Those spots are currently all filled up. I

Before booking, enter the appropriate Sliding Scale Code in the Redeem Coupon Box:

Tarot & General Spiritual Consult Sliding Scale Codes

  • $100/session- TAROT100

  • $125/session- TAROT125